22 June - 15 August 2023

BWA SOKOL Contemporary Art Gallery


22 June 2023 , hour 18:00

The archaeological art of modelling and the folk art of Maramureș and Zakarpattia, the personal relationship to the place of origin, located at the border between the two cultures, were the factors that determined the research undertaken in the cultural and artistic history of these two areas. I was formed in a place where to the tradition, or better yet the traditional, still exists and reveals itself as a contemporary fact. In this environment, a multitude of archetypal forms continue to surprise by their endurance, whose beauty awakens unexpected reactions in human sensitivity. The research carried out generated strong emotions and deep thoughts that, in time, became concepts of artistic creation materialized in black works, an experiment that distanced me from my initial conformism.

The chromatic universe, used in the own creation, receives the connotations specific to the personal creative area and promotes an inherited cultural fact. Therefore, the tradition and modernity intertwine inherently, and the artistic expression knows a complex process, tempered only by the limits of human nature. Should one name the chromatic constancy of this artistic approach, it would be black; metaphorically, black suggests the dissolution of the matter, the void, even if it has no decorative role and diminishes, by means of the effect received by some vague, light shapes, some of them specific to folk art. The primitive culture and the strong achievements are sometimes disowned by urban, industrial civilisation. This does not prevent me from constantly redefining my tools, means of expression and artistic concept, in the very act of creation. The space between the artistic gesture and the viewer is thus transformed into art and embodies almost any environment in order to create a conceptual experience.
The personal series of black works was born from a breakthrough of an experience given by the deciphering of past and future projected anxieties. The existential concerns blended in a wave of artistic thought and emotion, that generated concepts materialized in abstract artistic achievements. The contemporary black fascinates me and stimulates my imagination; beyond the dark features of the black colour, I distinguish the authenticity of contemporary emotions and the mirroring of current anxiety. The act of artistic expression pushed the visionary perspective towards the archetypal matrix of form, beyond the visual appearances of colour and non-colour. The bright, shiny or matte black, from chromatic perspectives becomes, to me, more important than the defining shades of colour. In search of solar energies, the incised lines cross surfaces with force, and their expressiveness enhances the symbolic power of gold and silver, embedded in the dominant black. Diatonic rhythms characterize the artistic space and stimulate the sensory perception of a microcosm with infinite combining opportunities. The juxtaposition of chromatic fields produces texture vibrations that awaken comparisons identified in the contemporary artistic creation.
At the heart of the works, the symbolic expression is preserved and potentialities are created, through which the gaze explores the infinity, not so much of a physical space, but of undefined, personalized layers of the human spirit. Fragments of the reality are found in a play of the figurative, that enhance the unfolding of symbols and signs lost in the blackness of the background. The unity between appearance and essence is reduced, in consciousness, in its aesthetic hypostasis. The imaginary and the real are subjectively assumed aspects and have the inherent quality of the symbol that cultivates a discretion of gesture and utterance. The fascinating and friendly self-confidence displayed, with the distinguished vivacity, that animates its becoming, places me on the evolutionary line of tradition, in accordance with certain timeless constants of modernity.

Adrian Prykop